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Školní lesní podnik Masarykův les Křtiny (ŠLP Křtiny) je organizační součástí Mendelovy univerzity v Brně, účelovým zařízením především její Lesnické a dřevařské fakulty.

Forest management and hunting
The forest land of MENDELU has an area of 10 228 ha (land intended for forest functions) and it forms a continuous complex immediately adjacent to the northern outskirts of Brno and extending to the town of Blansko. The varied habitat conditions of the lower and middle altitudes, including floodplain forests, represent the conditions in the Czech Republic. We manage all native tree species. Beech, spruce, oak and pine predominate, including introduced species (mainly Douglas fir). High-value mixed stands of beech and larch are famous. Our management concept „Diverse forests for climate change“ includes 24 management models. This diversity is especially important for the practical education of MENDELU students. The forests of UFE Křtiny are legally classified as special purpose forests. We also communicate our activities to the general public and manage with a sense of aesthetics. We carry out hunting under our own direction and the game numbers are fully in our own hands.

Pedagogy and research
MENDELU forests are primarily a natural „laboratory“ for scientists and students. A number of projects of both national and international significance are carried out there. In some of them, the staff of UFE Křtiny are also involved because only after the results are verified in practice and applied, the research becomes meaningful. The widest possible range of practical demonstrations of forestry management, including nursery and sawmill production, is then crucial for quality field education and excursions.

Forest aesthetics and arboretum
On the territory of the Forestry Slavin we take care of 60 ornamental paluges planted with foreign tree species, 50 wells and 90 memorials dedicated not only to important personalities mainly in the field of forestry, but also to wildlife, etc. We take care of three arboreta of Mendel University in Brno: Arboretum Křtiny, Arboretum Řícmanice and Arboretum Habrůvka, which represent a unique scientific collection of trees and shrubs, while the largest of the arboretums – the Křtiny one – is open to the public most of the year.

Forest nurseries
In the Forest Nurseries we grow forest trees on an area of 2.6 ha, mainly for our own consumption in the artificial regeneration of our forests. If we have a surplus, we also sell them to people outside our organisation. We grow both container-grown and balled and bare-rooted plants of mainly native tree species.

Development of forest machines
We are engaged in the development and modernisation of machines in line with our existing production programme. At the same time, we are open to new external challenges: together with you and based on your requirements, we can develop, design or manufacture machinery and equipment for the forest. We can then test the prototype in the UFE forests.

Chateau Křtiny
Chateau Křtiny is a modern hotel with a restaurant and conference centre owned by MENDELU. It is a complex connected to the world-famous Church of the Virgin Mary in Křtiny, designed by J. Santini.
The congress centre is thus located in the pure nature of the Moravian Karst, but at the same time very close to the city of Brno: It takes less than 30 minutes to get there from the D1 motorway.

Sawmill Olomučany
The sawmill in Olomučany was built in the second half of the 1990s with the aim of processing its own wood raw material. The sawing is carried out on two sawmills. The annual cutting capacity in a two-shift operation is 20 000 m3. At present, production runs in a single-shift operation.

Maintenance and Service Centre
The Maintenance and Service Centre mainly carries out the following activities within UFE using its own equipment:
– transport of timber by logging trucks,
– winter and summer maintenance of forest roads,
– construction works,
– petrol filling stations for registered customers.
For the public we provide the following services:
– car and truck service, tire service, car wash, authorized service and sales of STIHL garden equipment.