Our mission
The University Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest in Křtiny is a non-state public property and an organizational part of Mendel University in Brno and a special-purpose facility of its Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology. It was founded in 1923 and its original scientific and pedagogical mission has not changed, but it has been expanded in view of the rapidly changing environmental conditions and the requirements of society.
Our mission is:
To provide students and scientific and pedagogical staff of the university with facilities for practical teaching, operational practice, field experimental work in both basic and applied research and facilities for thesis and dissertation work. All this in the fields that are taught at the university or are the subject of scientific projects, especially again at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology.
Ensure proper management of the university property with the aim of growing diverse forests prepared for climate change, taking into account different habitat conditions, always using modern scientific knowledge transferred to different growing models.
Provide advisory services and education (e.g. through field trips) to other forestry entities, public authorities and other stakeholders.
Provide ecosystem services of forests to the public, especially the recreational function of the forest, with an educational overlay: the general public has the opportunity to use kilometres of well-maintained forest paths and ornamental palugas with stops at the wells and memorials of the Forest Slavin or to participate in the forest pedagogy programmes offered.